scripting & coding
Following languages are part of my daily work:
- ActionScript The Flash-platform scripting lanugage ActionScript really grew up since I started using it in Flash 4. I build several interfaces with the help of this ECMA Script-compatible language. The latest work was the SemanticFlash-project, which gives an interactive graphical user interface for viewing and editing XML-based RDF-documents.
- ASP In Order to extend the functionality of RedDot CMS, a Windows-based enterprise content-management-system, ASP knowledge is necessary to be able to write RQL-plugins which seamlessly integrate into the CMS.
- CSS The Cascading Style Sheets help building well-structered good-looking web-sites. I use CSS in nearly all my projects. I work with classes as well as with id-based styling. I really hope that css-hacks will not be neccessary in two or three years (since things got a lot better in that area during the last years).
- Java Java is a powerful language which allows development of web-applications as well as desktop programs. Some clients prefer Java and in some cases Java is definetively the best choice. I use Java mostly to extend the capabilities of the Java-based RedDot Liveserver aka CIS/CPS.
- JavaScript In order to make websites more interactive JavaScript really can improve the web experience. I use JavaScript mostly for form-validation, dynamic menus or to hide email-addresses from spambots. The latest AJAX hype also arrived in my daily work.
- Lingo When it comes to build interactive CD-based applications and Director shall be used Lingo is the weapon of choice. Thanks to Macromedia Lingo is not what it used to be and is ECMAScript-compatible now.
- PHP I know PHP since version three. My portfolio site uses the latest php five. PHP is used in all kinds of projects I worked with: from five-pages-websites with a php-contact form to a oo-prgrammed intranet application for 700 users. I think PHP is a fast, secure und efficient web scripting language.
- Python Python is a clean and efficient language. Due to its syntax the resulting code is clean and easy to understand. I use Python in Zope-based projects and in order to implement projects with the RedDotLiveserver, which uses Python to parse content on import or delivery.
- RDF The Resource Description Framework is the syntacis basis for the Semantic Web. Additionally RDF is one of the keys to a more informational, better structured web. It helps making content understandable by search bots and other machines. RDF is the best method I know to implement cross-domain data-sharing.
- SQL The "world's most popular open source database" mySQL is a good solution for small and medium web applications. It is really fast and can be used in quite a lot of applications. I use mySQL in small projects as well as in bigger ones like the web-based CRM for Endemol or the Culturesafe-project. I also worked on several MSSQL-based and PostgreSQL-based projects.
- XHTML HTML is the number one language for tagging information in the world. XHTML really can structure information and make it accessible to a worldwide audience. Together with CSS you can build informative, good looking and easy-to-use web applications.
- XML The Extensible Markup Language really helps sharing information and make it independent from its presentation. I worked on a lot of projects using XML for sharing data. The latest XML-based application is this site, which keeps all content in XML to make it accessible in Flash as well as in HTML.
- XSLT XSLT is a powerful method to present the same content on different platforms. I use XSL to render Verity search results in RedDot Liveserver and in several other PHP and Java-based projects. I also worked with Windows's XSL capabilites in order to create a user search for the KPMG Switzerland Alumni website.
- ... Beside the listed skills I also delt with Subversion and CVS. I wrote some Python scripts for the RedDot Liveserver and some Zope-based projects. The Verity Query Language is part of my skills, too.